Students of Determination (SOD)

The UAE has made big efforts to include people of determination in the mainstream educational settings. Ministry of Education provides expert teachers who specialize in dealing with children of determination.
In 2008, the Ministry of Community Development launched an initiative to integrate people of determination in the government education system. The initiative which was launched under the slogan ‘School of All’ and adopted by the Ministry of Education was a major step towards the social integration of the disabled and their involvement in the development process.
Dozens of disabled people continue their education, many of whom have graduated from higher education and some received their PhDs.
School-Home Provision
The school will implement all the recommendations stipulated in KHDA’s school-home provision document to ensure effective continuity of learning for students of determination.
Link to Document: Click Here
The school's school-home provision (SHP) team is comprised of the head of inclusion, SENDCOs, director of the curriculum, and teaching and learning coordinator.
The SHP team will conduct an initial meeting with each of the SODs’ parents, and their children if appropriate, in order to develop the ISHP (individual school-home provision) based on the students’ current IEP, latest assessment data, likes and dislikes, daily routines, current attainment levels, stage of development, learning profile, and resources available at school and in the home.
The ISHP includes the students’ curriculum modifications, appropriate instructional strategies, effective learning opportunities, clear improvement targets, and relevant assessment strategies to ensure progress targets will be effectively met and objectively measured.
The SHP development team will conduct weekly meetings with parents and students to review and update the ISHP and adjust the targets based on the students’ progress. The meetings also serve the purpose of empowering and enabling the parents so that they can support their children with the resources available in the house.
All the learning tasks and activities will be based on the students’ ability level and interest, and opportunities will be provided so that SODs can apply their learning in a range of meaningful contexts. Well-designed thematic projects or theme-based tasks will enable the students to learn, repeat, and reinforce concepts and skills in different subjects in a more cohesive manner. Students’ knowledge, skills, and understanding (KSU) will be monitored daily to identify and address attainment and progress gaps and update the targets in their ISHPs.
All academic and pastoral staff who deal with SODs (teachers, LSTs, SENDCOs, supervisors, and HOSs) will provide daily feedback to students, parents, and the head of inclusion. The feedback will be customized and interactive.
There will be a Padlet (digital bulletin board) for every SOD, which serves as the main communication channel to share daily feedback and videos celebrating success and highlighting tasks for the day ahead with each SOD and their parents. The Padlet link will be shared with the concerned people only to maintain confidentiality.
Daily support and follow-up sessions will be conducted by LSTs / LSAs mainly focusing on students’ daily schedule of learning activities, enabling access to information and support parents/students require, further identifying progress and achievement, and providing spontaneous feedback to parents and students.
Daily attendance of SODs will be accommodated if they can benefit more from FTF instruction and do not have any health issues. The decision of accommodating SODs’ daily attendance will be based on their previous year’s performance in both FTF and DL. Also, there will be virtual counseling/training meetings for parents, and their children if appropriate, to address challenges, reduce anxiety levels, and most importantly eliminate/minimize learning barriers for SODs.