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Students at Sharjah American International Schools enjoy and contribute to a vibrant, caring and innovative learning environment. At every sub-school level, students have the support and advice of a coordinator responsible for every student's well-being.

The school values of Tolerance, Respect, Responsibility, Uniqueness, Success and Teamwork (T2RUST) are central to the social and emotional well-being and development of every student.

Staff and students honor the school values us both their right and their responsibility to themselves and each other.

Through community consultation the school recently updated the school rules and introduced a reward system called Hero Points to teach the behaviors aligned to the school values and reward student who demonstrate those behaviors or go out of their way to contribute to a productive, positive and happy school learning environment.

The ways that staff and parents can support students in their social and emotional learning are clearly articulated in the school rules document.

Students can earn Hero points and trade them for rewards as designated by the documented conditions, rewards are differentiated for students of different ages and stages of learning.

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